Drupal development setup on Ubuntu 15.10

I upgraded my local computer to Ubuntu 15.10 today and revisited my Drupal development environment (this guide is also available for Ubuntu 13.10). Here is a simple and fast guide how to configure Ubuntu for development. There are a number of installation documentation pages on this topic on drupal.org, but they suggest to use the packaged Drupal installation and to run Drupal in subfolders (e.g. http://localhost/drupal6). They also do not cover some other important development tools like Phpmyadmin or php.ini settings. During development we want to edit files and we want to do that somewhere in our home directory to avoid any permission problems. There is also Drubuntu, but it is outdated and does way too much magic in my opinion. So here is a more transparent tutorial that highlights the key development configuration settings for Drupal development on a local computer (do not use this for a production server!).

Wie viele Frauen sprechen eigentlich bei "Am Schauplatz"?

Ich habe mir die ORF Sendung "Am Schauplatz: An der Grenze" vom 24.09.2015 angesehen und stellte fest, dass keine einzige flüchtende Frau* zu Wort kam. Auch die anderen Interviewten waren Großteils Männer*, also habe ich einfach mal nachgezählt: in der Sendung sprachen 38 Personen direkt in die Kamera, davon 9 Frauen* (24%). Was jetzt klingt wie eine Männersendung "Patriachat Reprodzuieren: Folge 5327" entpuppt sich aber als Produktion der Reporterinnen Gudrun Kampelmüller, Julia Kovarik und Doris Plank. Ich bin enttäuscht.

  • Die Einteilung nach Frau/Mann wurde nach meiner subjektiven Wahrnehmung durchgeführt. Wir sind uns bewusst, dass die Zahlen und Zuschreibungen dadurch nie ganz genau sein können und auch nicht sein sollen.

Drupal development setup on Ubuntu 13.10

I upgraded my local computer to Ubuntu 13.10 today and revisited my Drupal development environment (this guide is also available for Ubuntu 12.04). Here is a simple and fast guide how to configure Ubuntu for development. There are a number of installation documentation pages on this topic on drupal.org, but they suggest to use the packaged Drupal installation and to run Drupal in subfolders (e.g. http://localhost/drupal6). They also do not cover some other important development tools like Phpmyadmin or php.ini settings. During development we want to edit files and we want to do that somewhere in our home directory to avoid any permission problems. There is also Drubuntu, but it is outdated and does way too much magic in my opinion. So here is a more transparent tutorial that highlights the key development configuration settings for Drupal development on a local computer (do not use this for a production server!).