Getting started with Rust
Rust is still very alien to me and I want to write a bit of code in it to get a feeling of the concepts and restrictions it enforces.
Rust is still very alien to me and I want to write a bit of code in it to get a feeling of the concepts and restrictions it enforces.
What is the appropriate response if a fellow woman pulls you aside and says "Go easy on this code review, she is a woman after all and already gets a lot of shit."? Of course it is "Sure, this will be my friendliest code review ever!".
Here are the slides and the video of our DrupalCon Dublin 2016 talk "Automated Testing: PHPUnit all the way".
Here is the video of my DrupalCon Asia 2016 talk "How to publish a module on".
Ich habe mir die ORF Sendung "Am Schauplatz: An der Grenze" vom 24.09.2015 angesehen und stellte fest, dass keine einzige flüchtende Frau* zu Wort kam. Auch die anderen Interviewten waren Großteils Männer*, also habe ich einfach mal nachgezählt: in der Sendung sprachen 38 Personen direkt in die Kamera, davon 9 Frauen* (24%). Was jetzt klingt wie eine Männersendung "Patriachat Reprodzuieren: Folge 5327" entpuppt sich aber als Produktion der Reporterinnen Gudrun Kampelmüller, Julia Kovarik und Doris Plank. Ich bin enttäuscht.
Here are the slides and the video of our DrupalCon Barcelona 2015 talk "Drupal and Security: what you need to know".
Here is the video of our DrupalCon Barcelona 2015 talk "Coding with Rules for Drupal 8".
Here are the slides and the video of our DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014 talk "Cracking Drupal".